Both Dustin (Cadence's oldest brother and my oldest son) and Grandpa Williams helped with the move since Curt had to work. All went well, although it was hot as could be. No air conditioner in this dorm. So, Cadence found out that the girl she thought was her roommate actually had the room last year. So, Cadence has the place to herself......at least for now. We told her not to get too "compfy" as that could change too. Of course I cried when we said our goodbyes. So bitter-sweet, this journey. I have now been through it 4 times, and know that when I see my child again, she will be well on her way to adulthood in ways she (and we) have not experienced before. You always hope that as a mother, the lessons that you have taught either directly or indirectly will be good enough to help her on this journey of life. And then, you try not to pick up the phone and call and call and call................