We totally should have won! Look at the detail on the boquet!!

All the toilet paper brides with the bride to be.

Melanie, Amanda, and Lily

Look at the detail in that veil!!!

Lily looking pensive as they count the votes..............
Lily happy no matter the outcome.

Melanie and her dog, Safka

My oldest daughter Melanie and I recently hosted a wedding shower for her best friend Amanda. We played the "toilet paper bride" game where each group chooses one member of their group to dress up in toilet paper as a bride. Our group chose Lily, who was a wonderful and willing participant. The bad news is, the bride did not pick our group as the winner (so, what's up with that? We demand a re-count!:). Of course I am kidding. We were good sports although we do know that WE WERE THE BEST!!!