Aquarian Days.............
I decided to create another video from pictures (about 4 minutes long) that I have taken over the past month. Three of us (me and my oldest son Dustin and oldest daughter Melanie) had birthdays within the last couple of weeks so we always celebrate those together. You will see a picture of me crying, it was a "good" cry since my husband had collected different art work, writings, photographs and written thoughts from all of my children and bound it together in a book. It was truly the best gift I could have recieved.......I also added pictures of Lily and Cassidy swimming at the YMCA and some pictures of Lily sledding today since we had a snow day here in Ohio. Amazing how fast time goes as I watch the faces and lives of my children change from year to year. It has been quite the "ride" so to speak. And then this year will bring so many more changes with Cadence and Colton graduating from high school and Dylan graduating from college. Colton will be starting the architect program at the University of Cincinnati and Cadence is applying to a couple schools but is undecided at this point. Melanie will graduate with her MBA in December and who knows where that will take her. And then there is Dustin who is constantly growing in his life and profession. And my gosh, Cassidy will be 10 and Lily turns 5 (but not until late in the year). Wow, and so it goes..... I guess that is why it makes sense to just take one day at a time. These changes will happen soon enough...........
Lily is just beautiful!! Happy Chinese New Year!!