Since my oldest daugther Melanie is ready to deliver any day now, I thought it was fitting to finally get pictures posted of our celebrations for her from December 13th and 14th. . Her best friend Amanda did the planning, with lots of help from the family. First, on the 13th, the women of the family (and Amanda) got together to have a special and intimate blessing for Melanie of our own. We hired a henna artist to create a design on Melanie's belly, and other creations for those who wanted them. Then we made a wreath out of our written blessings. Amanada handed out candles that we are all to light when Melanie goes into labor indicating that our spirits would be with her (Amanda thought of everything. Since she thought we might be in the car when the this happens, she found battery operated candles:). Then a "ladies tea shower" on the 14th was planned at a historical museum. It was all decorated for Christmas and was just beautiful. Grandma Sandy, me and Amanda all made special dishes, which were served with different teas, coffee, and punch of course:) Amanda planned the tea around breast cancer awareness since Joe's Mother(the baby's other grandmother) is currentlybattleing breast cancer. Everyone was given information on prevention and a tea cup with pink ribbons to take home. Sandy made a beautiful quilt with pink ribbons on it, which was covered with wishes from the guests, and sent to her in England with other items from the shower. Melanie recieved a lot of beautiful items for her and the baby. It was a wonderful celebration and I know she felt very "showered" with love from all. Now, just waiting on pins and needles to get the call so I can get down there before my new grandaughter decides to arrive:)