I am sad to say that my dear friend is not doing well and has a rare, but devastating illness called Scleroderma. It is quickly progressing, and is causing her excruciating pain. Although I am a nurse, I know very little about this illness. I have read quite a bit about it since her diagnosis, although I seem to have more questions than ever. If anyone visiting this blog knows or has experience with this illness, please leave a message or send me a private email. I want to make sure I can be there and offer as much support as I can. I am so sad, but feel this is the time to be strong for her. I have experienced miracles, and don't want to be greedy, but am asking for another now.........
Please send good thoughts and/or prayers her way.
Mary, I am so sorry to hear about your friend...I don't know anything about her disease HOWEVER I do believe in miracles...I'll be praying.