We woke up very early (around 6:30) Saturday morning as this was the day we were to see our daughter's face for the first time, and let's face it, we didn't sleep well anyway due to all the excitement. This would be the day that we would name our daughter as well. To choose a name, we had created a "voting box" out of a shoe box which we decorated to the hilt in an Asian style. Each family member placed their vote for the 3 top names of their choice in the box. After we saw our daughter's/sister's picture, we were to select one name out of the 3 most voted on names (if they matched:). So, we took out the box and dusted it off after nearly a year of it sitting around and collecting dust and stared at that for some time waiting for the Fed Ex Guy. Well, the minutes were ticking by sooooooo slowly that I thought I was going to jump out of my skin. Then I had this idea; mmmmmmmm, it is Saturday. This is my Weight Watcher day, and I know if I leave the house the Fed Ex Guy is sure to show up............ And besides, I haven't eaten much since I have been so excited and I am sure to have lost weight. So, I looked around the room at my husband, kids, and dog and announced that I would be going to Weight Watchers. I then went into my logic, "Well, it is kind of like when you go to a restaurant and you are waiting for your food. You know that if you get up to use the restroom, your food will come!" They looked at me like I was crazy and did not understand the logic, so I tried to explain again. No luck with them getting it, so I just made them promise that they would not open the Fed Ex package until I returned and that I would have my cell phone. So I leave and drive 25 miles to WW (and lost 4 pounds:). As soon as I left the WW meeting, the phone rang. Yep; the Fed Ex Guy brought the package (and now they are believers in the illogical logic!)! So, now I have 25 miles to drive, and no, I do not remember a thing about the drive. I do know that my heart raced the whole way. I walked in, and me and the children simultaneously opened the package while Curt took pictures. There she was; our sweet little girl in the blue dress (and to this day, blue is still her favorite color). Words would never be enough to express the feelings of that moment; it was surreal and a moment like no other I have experienced. We rejoiced together at the blessing of this sweet little girl coming into our lives, as we cried, laughed, hugged, and and talked about the day she would finally come home. It was a very tender moment for this family; one that will never be forgotten. We then packed up and headed to Wal-Mart to copy and enlarge the pictures. Funny thing is that when we started copying the pictures, the photo department clerk peered over the counter and said, "Mam, those pictures look like they have a copyright on them and we cannot let you leave with any copies as that would be illegal. I did try to explain the situation calmly, but she would not listen and became louder and louder in her expressing that I would not be allowed to take any copies. While I looked at her trying to even comprehend what she was telling me (as I was still riding on "cloud nine"), my oldest daughter Melanie stated in her most assertive voice that I had yet to hear at that time, "
These pictures are from China, and we will be taking the copies!" I in fact had to hold her back as I thought she was going to lunge over the counter:)! I don't know what went through the clerk's head at that time, but she turned and walked away to take care of another customer. She did not say another word and then later even helped cut the copies of some of the wallet-sized photos. Afterwards, we all went shopping and each of the kids picked out an outfit for their sister. We finally returned home and had looked at her picture long enough now to decide on her name. We opened the box and went through all of the names. The three top choices were Sophia, Iris, and Lily. There was no doubt in anyone's mind; she was going to be Lily (Lily Yi Meng Marie Martin-Williams to be exact). We helped Cadence and Colton get ready for Homecoming, took pictures of them and saw them off (with their own copies of pics of Lily:). We then emailed her picture to I think just about everyone we knew and I placed a large-sized copy of her picture next to our bed. Her picture would be the first thing we looked at each morning and the last thing we looked at each night before we fell asleep (with several times in between). I thought endlessly about how and where she was, whether she was being cared for, and imagined holding her for the very first time. I was so in love with this little girl. I was truly awed and so thankful for all the miracles that came together that had allowed me to be her mother and for her to be part of this family. I still am, each and every day.
Thanks so much for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteWhat sweet memories! Those days will be forever imprinted on our hearts...
ReplyDeleteand I (of course) love the name you chose for your little one. Perfect.